Wednesday, 9 June 2021

DFI Day 6: Reflection

1. What I learned that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy:

It makes sense that connect means kids with teachers, kids with kids, kids with whanau, teachers with whanau but today it was good to see (and emphasise) the importance of sharing practice and resources and ideas teacher to teacher, school to school, colleague to colleague ... 

Some teachers I have talked to over the years have felt that there is some element of competition or intellectual property rights where they teach so they haven't felt safe or welcome to share with each other or ask for help or resources... but I am convinced the more we share the healthier the profession is - I would hope that sharing and connection has an impact on teacher retention and confidence.

I really liked the whakatauki:

"Te mea nui rawa ia ko te noho tahi, whakawhanaunga, ko te whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro - the important thing is living together, making friends and exchanging ideas"

This whakatauki speaks to me of us all being in it together (not necessarily being spectacular all the time or getting it right all the time - but trying things out and embracing the principal of ako and whanaungatanga -  we are community too).

2. What I learned that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional:

  • I am pleased to have mastered cool-looking buttons on sites!
  • It was helpful to get the 3 click rule and other tips for appeal and functionality

3. What I learned that could be used with my learners: 

The site I worked on today is going live to kids tomorrow 

- I am bypassing google classroom and will be getting the kids to make a copy of a document (in preparation for when we are more fully Manaiakalani)

- I will also be getting some feedback from them over the next week to see how easy it has been for them to find stuff and how they think it looks.

-I would like to email parents the link too - see if anyone gets on to see what the kids are up to.

Since every student has a graduate portfolio site I think I can help them with tips to make their sites functional and appealing (some are still stuck on adding and inserting things too - so I am getting good practice at Sites101)

4. What I learned that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life:

I am not sure how today applies - as usual it's good to have my confidence grow a bit more so I can be a bit braver when encountering tech. issues or helping others with them.

Quite proud of my buttons 


  1. Ka pai Lisa. Good luck tomorrow when the site goes live! Let us know how it goes. I like the way you're always seeking feedback from your learners. Ctrl-k will let you an a link to your screenshots. We can go over this next week if you're still stuck.

  2. Kia ora Lisa,
    Wow... look at you go! I am so excited for you that you have decided to "bypass(ing) google classroom and will be getting the kids to make a copy of a document (in preparation for when we are more fully Manaiakalani)". Once the class site is in use everything else tends to slot into place... Hāpara, class blog, student portfolio's and it all kind of makes sense! And just look at how cool your very first buttons look!
