Final Reflection:
A big thing to come out of the DFI for me:
The DFI has given me a real shot in the arm for my job - I am a hardworking kind of a teacher and I strive to plan good lessons (use a variety of tasks, hands on, opportunities for choice, opportunities to move around, opportunities for kids to teach each other [tuakana teina], trying to share the power, differentiated tasks, high expectations etc) - but I am sometimes left feeling a little defeated if there are lots of kids absent on the day, kids just not listening just 'cos' or something else is going on in life... etc.
Obviously not all of my planning is amazing and not all of it is worth preserving BUT...
Having a place to keep good planning and resources a little bit alive on a class site and some evidence of the learning (ultimately on a class blog) helps to keep the motivation.
Screen castify for the rewindable learning is not as daunting or time consuming as I thought it might be...I am enjoying pointing out the rewindable learning content on the class site and pointing out the video with that 'famous teacher' explaining what to do
I can see the kids responding well too - and have been really stoked to see the kids wanting to head to the class site, hearing the kids say “it’s on that site she made for us” and seeing them keen to have a go with some of the 'getting to know and trying out the power of the chromebook' activities.
I anticipate that some of our assessment tasks will be more enjoyable to do if we use more of the tools at our disposal.
I am glad to say I am enjoying my own Learn - Create - Share process in the digital learning space right now!
What's next?
There are lots of opportunities I want to explore further - through the Toolkits, Class on Air and Teacher blogs and websites.
One of my struggles as a teacher is trying to turn around the low expectations that a sizable chunk of kids have - of school, of themselves as students, of their own behaviour, of achievement and of their own potential ... I am looking for more tools and techniques for working on may be a matter of improving my classroom management but I hear my colleagues talk about the same stuff in their classes. I would love to discover the secondary teachers in the Manaiakalani world who have managed to get these kids more hooked into their potential and having higher aspirations for themselves.
I have a feeling that an authentic audience that includes peers and whanau and the kids realising that their digital competency is a legitimate skill could help bypass some of the 'meh' stuff.
And now I know that the kids will soon know all of this stuff already as they come through the primary schools in our new cluster I am just going to have to keep learning!